

  • 韩国电影交易完成

    主演:全锡浩 太仁镐 赵成夏 李元宗 崔艺彬 김민엽 李圭贤 崔喜珍 蔡徐恩 

    导演:Cho Kyoung-ho

    简介:  A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has been called up… to be an executioner. An English tutor and amateur journalist investigating a murder case makes an offer to gain information on the involvement of … a once promising baseball star.  GOOD DEAL is a woven tapestry of the interconnected lives of people striving through the day-to-day of contemporary Korean society. Quite a spectrum of themes are covered: romance, crime, sports, famly, work, and even Russian literature! As each of its characters seek to make a “deal” with another person to help them stay ahead or even stay alive, they find their interactions much more involved and complex than they first thought. Written and directed by Cho Kyuong-ho, the film mixes wickedly dark humor and sincere sentimentality through its interwoven yet still seamlessly linear style of storytelling.

  • 韩剧TV施魔法

    主演:李汉伟 林智妍 盛骏 张仁燮 李炳俊 白成铉 金允慧 郑庆顺 崔星俊 崔昤 · 徐庆花 崔喜珍 



  • 韩国电影醉恶邻居房

    主演:吴东旻 崔喜珍 李贞贤 


    简介:  Chan-woo, who has been studying to become a police officer for 5 years, joins his friends for dinner to ask for the money to apply for his exam and ends up getting drunk. He completely blacks out and wakes up not remembering what happened in his next door neighbor's room. Not only that, he finds a bloody corpse in the middle of the room. He hurries back to his room and tries to report the incident but he had forgotten his phone in the other room. But the door is locked and he has to resort to using a rope to swing to the next door room outside the window. Once the phone is recovered, he cannot go back because of a group of cultists who are evangelizing the neighbors in the hallway. He knows it’s the last day to apply for his exam and gets antsy as time is running out.

  • 韩国电影窃窃私语

    主演:苏珠妍 金旻奎 金英 金泰旼 崔喜珍 朴晋 高娜恩 申在胜 李瑜美 李韩书 池大汉 陈庸旭 李必模 李容怡 全贤秀 


    简介:  刚刚结束了高考,麦谷高中的高三学生赵宇成(金英 饰)、朱东日(金泰旼 饰)、崔静允(崔熙珍 饰)、姜敏宇(金旻奎 饰)和朴海国(朴晋 饰)便相约去海边旅游放松。学习成绩优秀的吕银河(苏珠妍 饰)近来成绩不佳,加上好友卞智恩(李由美 饰)之死,更让她持续心情低落,甚至出现 幻听幻视。几经考虑,银河决定加入好友们的旅行团,好好放松一下。原本旅途还算愉快,可是他们却迷了路,盲打误撞来到一座废弃的游乐园。  少男少女们无所顾忌,殊不知这却是一个遭到诅咒的恶灵盘踞之所……

  • 韩剧TV捉迷藏国语

    主演:李宥利 宋昌义 严贤京 金永敏 郑惠先 尹朱尚 李宗元 赵美玲 安普贤 尹多景 李元宗 徐珠熙 金惠智 崔喜珍 赵胜渊 金益泰 金宰范 李龙女 赵睿琳 申隣雅 崔乘训 裴康琉 


    简介:  此剧讲述韩国最大化妆品公司的女继承人,和被逼代替她生活的另一个女人之间的欲望和秘密的故事。


